Archive for July, 2007

A little as 3 or 4 decades ago people who were left-handed or had tendencies toward being left-handedness were thought of a "not normal." In some of the older or more superstitious cultures, a person who was left-handed was sometimes believed to have evil spirits or demons, subsequently when a child showed even the slightest inclination to be left-handed they were dissuaded from using their left hands. Even in the public school system, children were often given a slap in the wrist with a ruler or yardstick in order to prevent their using of their left hand.

With the advance in science, we have learned that left-handedness is a normal and society has come to accept left-handedness as such. In fact, science has shown that it is the right hemisphere of the brain that controls and operates the left side of the body, while the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.   (more…)

Wisely Making A Difference

Posted: July 30, 2007 in Goals, Homelessness

Sundays, among other things are the day when I do routine maintenance on my laptop – you know just to keep it running smoothly. But, it’s also the day I go back re-read whatever posts I’ve published over the last week to correct any errors in spelling, grammar, and etcetera. I usually take care of all that at one of the local McDonald’s.

Every now and again, someone will come up to me curious about what I’m doing. If I happen to be looking over the past weeks posts I tell what I’m doing and that invariable begins a conversation about homelessness – especially since that is what this blog is all about.   (more…)

Two For One

Posted: July 29, 2007 in Bureauacracy, Friendship, Homelessness, Money

There are two homeless men I know who may finally have a chance at getting off of the streets and into a place of their own. Both of them are disabled and are receiving disability benefits.

Between them, they have a combined total of about 7 seven years being homeless. And, between them they hope that they will be able to maintain their new place.   (more…)

Yesterday afternoon as I left the library, I sat down on one of the two benches that are just outside the building. As I did I noticed a small self adhesive sticker had been placed on the bench but what caught my eye was what was written on the sticker.

It was a quotation from Mark Twain:

"You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."


Homeless support service agencies and organizations, contrary to popular belief, do not come anywhere near close to meeting the needs of the homeless. At most they offer a meal and a bed (if possible) and, although most of them do offer referrals to other agencies that also offer services to the homeless, the services are geared toward those who have some disability. Without a disability, a person who is homeless is going to receive little or no help at finding a way out of homelessness.   (more…)